Multiple Sclerosis affects the CNS (central nervous system), which is comprised of the brain and spinal cord. The myelin is stripped away and replaced with scar tissue. These areas of damage are called lesions.
The Spinal Cord
The spinal cord consists of four sections, each controlling a distinct part of the body:
C1 to C7, the cervical region, controls the back of the head, the neck, shoulders, arms, hands, and diaphragm
T1 to T12, the thoracic region, controls the torso and parts of the arms.
L1 to L5, the upper lumbar controls the hips and legs.
S1 to S5, the sacral segments control movement in the groin, toes, and parts of the legs.
Spinal Cord Lesions
Since the spinal cord is essentially a bundle of tiny and compact wires, a single lesion in this area can influence many nerves and the systems they control. Spinal cord lesions might cause several issues depending on the lesion’s location: numbness, weakness, sensation loss, spasticity, balance, and movement problems. They can potentially cause bladder or bowel control problems, erectile dysfunction, and orgasmic and fertility problems.
What can you do?
Your health care team can guide and assist you with rehabilitation, medications, lifestyle modifications, the use of specific devices, or clinical trials.
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