
Accessibility Statement

Belong.Life is a leading global health tech provider of high-engagement patient communities and care platforms, supporting millions of patients worldwide. Belong.Life’s commitment to improving the quality of care of people from all backgrounds through technological means is further reflected by adapting its website in accordance with the guidelines in Israeli Standard 5568, “Guidelines for Accessibility of Online Content”, for AA-level accessibility and the International Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, published by the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), the main international standards organization of the Internet.

Despite our efforts to make all of the website’s pages accessible, there may be parts of the site that are as yet inaccessible. We are working to improve accessibility as part of our commitment to enable the site to be used by everyone, including people with disabilities.

We will be happy to receive your inquiries and/or suggestions for improvement to enable us to better serve our customers.

Designated Button

At the bottom left side of every page there is a designated symbol which outlines a variety of accessibility tools for your convenience with a click of a button, including text increase, text decrease, grayscale, high contrast, negative contrast, light background, link underline, readable font and reset.  

Keyboard Navigation
The site supports keyboard navigation by means of the TAB key and arrows, and clicking on Enter will activate the various links.

Changing the Font Size

  •  To make the text bigger: Press Ctrl +
  •  To make the text smaller: Press Ctrl –
  •  To return the text in the site to its original size: Press Ctrl 0

Changing the Screen Size

  •  To make the screen bigger: Press F11
  •  To return the screen to its original size: Press F11 again

Browser Compatibility
The website supports the following browsers:

  •  Microsoft Internet Explorer
  •  Microsoft Edge
  •  Google Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Apple Safari

Contact Us
If you have encountered any difficulty in surfing the site or have any comments,
please contact us in the following way:
Email: [email protected]

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